Units & Clubs
Kem has many Shrine Clubs scattered throughout its jurisdiction. These Clubs host social events and fundraisers that often times include their ladies. Many Nobles are members of Shrine Clubs as well as multiple Uniformed Units. Membership provides an excellent outlet for Shrine activities and we welcome all Shriners to join and enjoy good fellowship.
The real value in Shrine membership is the fun and companionship of the people who are members of our Clubs and Units!
Shrine Clubs are normally social rather than performance orientated. Uniformed Units are normally parade or performance orientated. Please take the time to explore these groups with the goal of joining one or more that meet your interests. Your choice of units is not limited by location.
Uniformed Units:
Lake Region Flag Corps
The Flag Corps is a colorful group that appears at Shrine Ceremonials and many other area parades. Watch for their beautiful flag display.
Contact: Jim Bennington Email: jbennington@gondt.com
Ritualistic Divan
This unit is connected with initiatory work of the Shrine. The ritualistic cast is composed of Nobles who have a good voice, better than average ability to memorize and a flair for the dramatic. Needless-to-say, this unit is a vital part of each Ceremonial. The Ritualistic Divan also works closely with the Blue Lodges for degree work.
Contact: Fred Kitko Email: fred.kitko@gmail.com
Minot Merrymen
The Merrymen of Minot is a clown unit. They are an active group. Parading and visiting retirement homes, the ND State Fair Parade and the Minot University Homecoming Parade. The unit has seven Yamaha mini-bikes and uses a decorated van to lead the bikes in parades.
Nothing can match a tooting calliope for instilling the carnival atmosphere at Ceremonial time. The Turtle Mountain Shrine Club and the Minot Shrine Club sponsor the unit. This unit also participates in many parades.
Williston Roadsters

The Williston Roadsters are 12 bright yellow 1934 Ford Roasters that attend ten to twelve parades a year in the surrounding area of Williston.
Contact: Jeff Moberg
Model Ts

This novel group is sponsored by the 49ers Club and consists of ‘big’ men in miniature Model Ts whose antics are a delight to the young and old watching a parade. They also have two full size Model Ts.
Roseau County SnowNobles

This unique group in Shrinedom consists of snowmobiles equipped with wheels that are always an attraction at parades.
Contact: Dennis Sabourin Cell: 218-242-5066
Stephen Funsters
There’s never a dull moment when this group of clowns from Stephen and their old jalopy appear and display their antics.
Color Guard
Although small in size, the Color Guard appears at the head of the parades and at important Shrine functions, displaying the colors of our country.
Mobil Nobles

Traveling salesmen and others make up this group. They devote much time in running errands, helping out in different areas when needed, providing transportation and doing many nice things for guests and members. Their unique vehicles and antics provide lots of crowd appeal.
Contact: Scott Schultz Email: scott.schultz3020@gmail.com

The Cycleers operate a large bicycle, measuring 23 feet 8 inches in length with a nine man crew. They also have red three-wheel scooters with a GIANT fez sitting atop each one. They are under sponsorship of the Red River Shrine Club.
Contact: Joey Bjornson Cell: 701-520-1753
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday Every Month
Kem Cycle Corps

If you are a motorcycle rider, the Cycle Corps might just be the unit for you. The Kem Cycle Corps is a group dedicated to the recreational enjoyment of safe motorcycle riding and the camaraderie of that goes along with being a Shriner. Members ride their personal motorcycles in parades performing maneuvers for the enjoyment of the crowd. Members may also compete in Motor Corps competition held during the summer MSA (Midwest Shrine Association) sessions. All makes and models are welcome.
Contacts: Larry Willson Email: ump50nd@gmail.com
Cap n’ Cork
Cap n’ Cork is a unit of like minded individuals that have a common interest in creating adult beverages. We as KEM Shriners aspire to concoct adult beverage recipes for our fellow brothers in the Shrine. Joining this club will be an educational experience for all involved. We will learn from each other the proper legal, safe & sanitary procedures of home production. Keep up with us at kemcapncork.com
Director’s Staff

The Director’s Staff, better known as the Backbone of the Shrine. They are in complete charge of the Second Section of the Ceremonial. The Director’s Staff is always looking for new ways to keep the ceremony exciting.
Contact: Vern Sheard Phone: 1-218-791-0664
Meetings: First Wednesday Every Month.

The Chanters furnish music for the Shriners Ritualistic Work. This music is appropriate to the solemnity of the initiatory ritual and is sung acappella. The Chanters won a golden award at the MSA competition in 2004 and 2011. Their music is carefully selected and is composed of glee club numbers, patriotic tunes, religious songs and barbershop arrangements. If you are a Noble who likes to sing, you belong in the Chanters.
Contact: Dave Jahnke Email: dave_jahnke@yahoo.com
Meetings: September – April 2nd & 4th Mondays, May 1st & 3rd Mondays, June – August 2nd & 4th Wednesdays
Keystone Kops
A large, vigorous bunch of madcap Shriners from the Mayville-Portland area, these blue uniformed law un-enforcers and their mobile calaboose are adding life to many a Shrine or community parade.
Contact: Shane Orr Cell:701-430-0374
Minot Motor Patrol
This unit, sponsored by the Minot Shrine Club, consists of Nobles who ride their motorcycles in various maneuvers in parades. The riding routine is eye catching and thrilling precision work that adds greatly to the spectacle that is the typical Shrine parade.
Crookston Clowns
The Clowns are a colorful bunch of ‘scamps’ who take pleasure in delighting the hearts of children (as well as the Nobility) through their amusing antics and their colorful costumes.
Contact: Jesse Stephan Cell: 701-741-2720
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday every Month
Cheerful Chaps
This is an active group of Clowns parading in the Williston area. They have fun working the Circus and bring smiles to faces during the parades they attend.
Drum & Bugle Corps

The blare of bugles and boom of drums is calculated to make goose bumps all over a fellow. The corps leads all units in parades.
The Kem Band

The Band is an organization of uniformed men who like to play band music and take part in the colorful Shrine parades. During ceremonials, the Band may ‘ballyhoo’ as a unit or small combos appearing here and there to liven things up. The have a lot of fun!
Contact: Dean Hovern Email: deanoburps@hotmail.com
Legion of Honor
A new Unit started in 2005 based in Williston. This Unit is limited to Nobles who are serving or have been honorably discharged from the Armed Forces of their Country including the Guard Reserves, Merchant Marines and Coast Guard. The Legion of Honor is accorded the highest position of honor leading our parades in pursuit of honor and integrity.

“Soldiers detailed for police duty” is what this unit is about. It is their duty to protect Shrine property, Shrine reputation and maintain order at Ceremonials, Circus, Football games and many other Shrine events.
Contact: Darren Renfrow Email: rariroll@hotmail.com
EZ Riderz

The EZ Riderz have been a unit since 2009 and are a group of fun loving mini-chopper riders who LOVE to perform their riding skills in parades during the summer months. The Nobles are always looking for members to join them on the 10 bikes, in their limousine or in their ‘BIG BLUE BUS’. Any Shrine unit in need of transportation to meetings or other Shrine events can use the bus.

The Roughriders is a new addition to the Kem Uniformed Units. The Roughriders incorporate a sportsman theme for those Shriners who enjoy hunting, fishing, golfing, etc, or just outdoor activities and want a unit which supports friendly, brotherly competition. Their parade unit includes a camouflage pickup and golf carts. There is a sporting clay team which all are encouraged to join.
Contact: Landon Stromberg Email: LSconstruction@iclapl.com
A new addition to the list of Units. As a golf enthusiasts’ unit, you will have fun regardless of your skill level. League play will be handicapped for all who participate. Once a month there will be matches scheduled at various area courses. I see some challenges on the horizon!
The Fourth Floor Club
The 4th Floor Club is a Shrine Unit that is responsible for developing a meeting place for all Shriners, Masons and their families on the top floor of the Masonic/Shrine Center in Grand Forks. We also run a hospital fundraiser for the Shriners Hospital for Children – Twin Cities, organize and provide tailgating assistance at the five tailgating spots at University of North Dakota home football games. We are developing a float for the Shriner parades that highlights our Children’s Hospital.
Contact: Randy Shear Email: rshear2@hotmail.com
The Grand and Glorious Order of the Hillbilly Degree
The Hillbillies were started in the late 1960s at El Hasa Temple in Ashland, Kentucky, by Noble Jim Harris. Harris decided there needed to be a sideline degree that devoted its time and resources to the Shriners Hospitals for Children. He received permission from his Potentate to start the Grand and Glorious Order of the Hillbilly Degree. Calling on his experiences as a real Hillbilly, he then wrote a ritual. It has grown into the largest group within the Shrine, with more than 170 Temples having charters. ‘Dizzy’, Kem’s famous Clown from Minot established Kem Temple as Clan 172 and has been building Outhouses throughout the region.
Shrine Clubs
Crookston Shrine Club, Crookston, MN
Crosby International Shrine Club, Crosby, ND
Forty-Niner Shrine Club, Langdon and Cavalier, ND
Lake of the Woods Shrine Club, Roseau, MN
Goose River Shrine Club, Mayville, ND
Lake Region Shrine Club, Devils Lake, ND
Minot Shrine Club, Minot, ND
Northwest Shrine Club, Thief River Falls, MN
Red River Shrine Club, Grafton, ND
Stephen Shrine Club, Stephen, MN
Turtle Mountain Shrine Club, Rugby, ND
Williston Shrine Club, Williston, ND
For more information or current contact info for a specific Club or Unit, please contact the Kem Office at 701.772.7125.