About Shriners
Shriners believe that man was created to serve and help one another. We believe that the care for the less fortunate, especially children who suffer from burns and other crippling diseases, is our institutional calling.
One of the things we, as Shriners, are most proud of is our ability, through Shriners Hospsitals for Children, is to give world-class, expert medical care at NO CHARGE. We believe Shriners hospitals to be the “Worlds’ Greatest Philanthropy”, and we covenant with each other to support its “temples of Mercy” with spirit, time, talent and means.

Shriners Creed
Shriners believe in God and that He created man to serve His purposes, among which is service to others in His name.
We believe that care for the less fortunate, especially children who suffer from burns and crippling diseases, is our institutional calling.
We are patriots, each willing to serve his country with fidelity and courage. We cherish independence under law and freedom with responsibility.
We honor family. We respect our parents, wives and children. We should instill in our children the tenets of this creed, and the heritage from which it emanates.
As individuals we pledge ourselves to integrity, virtue and nobility of character. Our intentions will be honorable, our relations will be trustworthy and our spirits forgiving of each other.
As brothers we offer each other fraternal affection and respect. Together we will support each other in adherence to this creed, so that we and our communities will be the better because of our fraternity and its principles.
As Shriners we look beyond ourselves to serve the needs of others, especially children who cannot help themselves. We believe Shriners Hospitals to be the world’s greatest philanthropy, and we covenant with each other to support its “temples of mercy” with spirit, time, talent and means.
The Mission Statement of the Shriners is to be:
- The Premiere Fraternal Organization for men of good character
- Committed to providing attractive, quality programs and services for its members, their families and friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship and social camaraderie
- Fostering self improvement through leadership, education, the perpetuation of moral values and community involvement.
- Serving mankind through the resources of its great philanthropy, the Shriners Hospitals for Children